This web site is hosted by DreamHost, one of the best web hosting services of the planet, at least in my opinion. What makes DreamHost so special? Here there are the features that made me choose it since 2003.

The only drawback is that this service is located in USA and not in Italy, my country. Anyway thanks to their good connections it's hard to see the distance, nor on my light site, nor on biggest ones.

Are all these features really needed for a personal site?

Honestly... no, but I see this as an investment! DreamHost offers me many opportunities: it gives me a full and serious web presence, it allows me to give a personal email to my family members ( but above all it let me to experiment and learn when and how much I want. DreamHost also gives me the possibility to use my service in the way I wish, without the restrictions usually imposed by free web hosting services.

Also anything that I learn at my home become an experience that I can use elsewhere, for example on Carpenedo's parish or Il Gomitolo.