
This script has been created to emulate some features available in "Goku script", an entertainment script for mIRC.

Until now I've implemented only "Saggio", adding some extra answers and support for parameters such as random numbers, nick of other users and so on...
Maybe I'll add more features from Goku in the future but even in its current state is an useful entertainment software for channels.

Saggio answers are in italian only.

I'd like to thank authors of the original answers ;-)

Please note: to be precise this program should have been called a simulator but at this point I'll not rename it...

Current version

Current version is 0.5.


+Definition of the script structure.
+Added load of library of definitions for "Saggio".
+Added routines to manage !saggio trigger.
+Added replacement of %you with nick and %owner with channel owner as defined in the script.
+Added placeholders %owner (chan owner) and %you (nick who did the question).
+Added duplicated text check: you can't do the same question two times in a row...
+Added a little antiabuse feature: questions by |B people aren't answered.
+Added placeholder %someone to get a random nick from the channel.
+Tried to add indipendent chan settings support using lists. Not the best solution as lreplace gives me some problems. Will switch to arrays...
+Successfully switched to an array solution for channel settings management... now this is a true multichan script!
+Semplified some routines by putting all the checks (validchan, isonchan, matchattr) in the same "if".
+Added multichan support for the anti dupe check too: you can do the same wuestion two times in a row but only on different channels.
-Removed old and unused vars.
+Added placeholder %number which gives a random number (up to 60 for time jokes).
-Fixed emulation of "Saggio" layout: the proper is 'nick, "header: test"', not 'header: text'.
+Made automatic the creation of the array for lastmsg... (I've learned the use of 'foreach' ;-)
-Removed some unused code left in get_rnd_msg.
-Removed goku_channels list: all the channel management is done using arrays and there is is space for optiomization.
-Fixed again layout: the right one is 'nick, header: "text"'.


Currently there are just two channel commands:

Download and installation

Gokuemu can be downloaded directly from this site:

To install it follow these steps:

  1. The script is compressed, so you need to uncompress it. From an Unix shell use: unzip
  2. Edit preferences (AKA settings) in file gokuemu.tcl. If you don't do it the script will not work!
  3. Copy gokuemu.tcl and gokuemu_saggio.tcl into the folder scripts/ of your Eggdrop installation
  4. Add at the end of eggdrop.conf file the following line: source scripts/gokuemu.tcl
  5. Connect to your bot thru DCC or shell and issue the following command: .rehash

Script status

This script is freeware. If you think that it can inproved or wish to suggest new features, please write me.